We have found the malware installed on the tomcat version
6.0.29 on two of the servers.The both servers have a war file
(Tomcatmanagxesaxsas.war) that installed several java script files to the
Tomcat webserver that allow for remote access over the web. OD-VA-W-AG-87 had
an additional war file (Jeroy.war) that appears to also be a java script remote
file browser. Even though , we followed all the security settings needed for
the tomcat container.


The below steps are followed to secure the tomcat container:


1) Removed the default examples under CATALINA_HOME/webapps
like jsp-examples, servlet-examples, tomcat-docs, webdav

2) Make sure the default servlet is configured not to server
index pages when a welcome file is not present. In CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml



<param-value>false</param-value>  <!-- make sure this is false -->



3) Context.xml :

HttpOnly configuration : Tomcat versions support the
HttpOnly [1] cookie option.

This is configured in the conf/context.xml file: 

<Context useHttpOnly="true">


4) server.xml :

In the server.xml for all the connector , we have added


5) Make sure all the 
sample user and role entries are commented out in the
CATALINA_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml file



Let us know if anything missing as part of security settings



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