WebappClassLoader appears to ignore LifecyceListeners

2009-05-27 Thread Okken,Brett
It appears that the WebappClassLoader[1], while declaring that it implements Lifecycle[2], actually ignores LifecycleListeners[3]. I have observed that registering a Lifecycle listener with a WebappClassLoader seems to have no effect. When the classloader is stopped, the listener was not called.

jmx notification of WebModule stopping

2009-05-27 Thread Okken,Brett
I would like to monitor the status of wars/web modules/applications via jmx using notifications. However, it does not seem that any of the possible MBeans send out notifications of shutdown. I have tried the WebModule (*:j2eeType=WebModule,name=//host/app,*), Manager (*:type=Manager,path=/app,