Re: Initialize Webapplication on tomcat Startup

2007-02-12 Thread Oliver Schoenwald
Thank you, this was exactly what I was seeking. Works properly. :-) David Delbecq schrieb: System Init Servlet initializer be.rmi.intranet.servlet.SetupServlet 1 - To start a new top

Initialize Webapplication on tomcat Startup

2007-02-12 Thread Oliver Schoenwald
Hello and good morning (at least from Germany), I'm running Tomcat 5.5.17 under Solaris 9 and have created a webapplication that starts some repeating background-tasks as soon as the application has been started the first time (in other words: I have a single controller-servlet and the init()-

Re: Logfile flooded with mod_jk2-notice messages...filesystem full

2006-06-28 Thread Oliver Schoenwald
Pid schrieb: debug is a bit high, try using error. Yes, I think so, too. However, at the moment, this setting is active and there is not a single entry like those shown in the flooded logfile. Seems to me that those endless notice-messages don't happen just because of loglevel=debug. I wi

Logfile flooded with mod_jk2-notice messages...filesystem full

2006-06-28 Thread Oliver Schoenwald
which made mod_jk to log these endless "received"-messages? Might the other department be wrong about not having changed the loglevel of mod_jk? Maybe there is some indirect effect to mod_jk when you change some other setting? Thank you in advance for any help, Oliver Schoenwald Univ

Re: Default my Enter key into the OK button of the Login screen

2006-04-26 Thread Oliver Schoenwald
Hi, if you use a (x)html-formular to create the login screen, you can add a hidden input-field that contains the OK-Parameter (the same parameter-name and parameter-value as the OK-Button). So, when you hit "Return" OR the submit-button in that formular, the OK-Parameter is send in both cases (wh

Re: Howto activate JSSESupport in Apache-mod_jk-Tomcat 5.5.x

2006-04-24 Thread Oliver Schoenwald
t the author of that sources to find out more about it. Oliver Schönwald Mark Thomas schrieb: Oliver Schoenwald wrote: If your are using mod_jk, you need to configure SSL on Apache. If you are using Tomcat on its own, read

Howto activate JSSESupport in Apache-mod_jk-Tomcat 5.5.x

2006-04-24 Thread Oliver Schoenwald
Hello, I want to use SSLSessions in Tomcat 5.5.x and wonder how I can activate the JSSE-Support and SSLSession-Handling for Tomcat? In the source-code I see some classes in the connectors-directory that seem to prepare the catalina-engine for the use of SSLSessions with and without X509Certif

Re: Changing content of response on canceled basic authentication

2006-02-24 Thread Oliver Schoenwald
Hello David, this solved my problem! Now my site works as wanted. Thank you very very much, Oliver Schoenwald Germany David Delbecq schrieb: put your response.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate","Basic realm=\"MySystem\""); insode your error page instead of auth

Changing content of response on canceled basic authentication

2006-02-23 Thread Oliver Schoenwald
Hello fellow tomcat users, I'm running Tomcat 5.5.4 with Apache 2.0.54 and mod_jk. The system uses basic authentication to serve certain pages for authenticated users. One of my users said that if he enters my system and is being asked to authenticate via that popup-windows, he sometimes hits th

Changing Error-Page for User-Canceled Basic Authentication

2005-12-29 Thread Oliver Schoenwald
So I humbly ask the community to give me some hint what to do. How can I change the error-page that is shown when the user hits the cancel-button in basic authentication? Do I have to send some additional information (some header?) with the error-response that initiates the authentication form?

How to add client certificate to use in Servlets

2005-11-16 Thread Oliver Schoenwald
t file for its own https-connector. Question: How do I tell Tomcat to use that client certificate when a servlet connects to that remote server? What format should the client certificate have? Thank you in advance, Oliver Schoenwald Universit