Hello -

I run a collection Tomcat web servers on Redhat 7.2 (up-to-date)

Normally we like to compile and use the latest stable version of Tomcat Native we can get our hands on (currently the one that ships with Tomcat is labeled tcnative 1.2.8). However, when I try to compile recent versions of Tomcat Native I get an error that my OpenSSL version is too low:

checking OpenSSL library version >= 1.0.2... configure: error: Your version of O penSSL is not compatible with this version of tcnative

I don't really want to muck up the distro by trying to update OpenSSL by downloading and compiling OpenSSL's source code. RedHat backports security fixes to OpenSSL 1.0.1e so there are no "heartbleed" or other known vulnerabilities with the in-band OpenSSL version. Is there some workaround or procedure that can be used to get recent versions of Tomcat Native to compile on up to date RedHat systems?


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