I'm trying to have virtual hosts in Tomcat 7.0.20 with a default app WITHOUT 
renaming everything ROOT AND WITHOUT using Apache http server in front Steps 
done so far put fake domain in windows host file fakedomain.com 
Started Tomcat and logged into Host Manager. Add virtual host. Name : 
fakedomain.com Aliasas : www.fakedomain.com App base: fakedomain Yes to all 
settings At this point tomcat creates the app directory and conf directory and 
setups the manager app for the fake domain. I copy a WAR file 'Animotest-1.war' 
to the fakedomain app directory. I can now access my app 
usinghttp://fakedomain.com/Animotest-1/. Small victory :) Now I'm trying to set 
it as my default app My understanding is that I need to put a ROOT.xml file in 
the conf/Catalina/fakedomain.com directory with some variation of the following 
content. I'm sure my problem is here somewhere.<?xml version='1.0' 
<Context docBase="C:\Java\apache-tomcat-7.0.20\fakedomain\Animotest-1">
  The resulting behavior is that tomcat now shows me the ROOT page that comes 
with with Tomcat not my virtual host app and my app is now 404. I also tried it 
via the server.xml file by adding the following in the engine section      
    <Host name="fakedomain.com" appBase="fakedomain" unpackWARs="true" 
autoDeploy="true" xmlValidation="false" xmlNamespaceAware="false">
   </Host> InfoWindows 7 64 bitSun JVM 64 bit 1.60._25  Thanks                  

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