
I'm using Tomcat 5.5.17 with jdk 1.5.0_14, and i want to know what is the
best way to check if the tomcat thread pool is working all right.

I think I have the same problem as reported here:
(but the user does not tell how he fixed the problem)

The CPU and MEMORY usage of the server (where tomcat is) are good (low), and
the database server it's ok too (executing queries on the database console
is really fast).
So, I think that the tomcat thread pool aren't working all right.
I try lambda probe, but it's doesn't show how many threads are blocked (it
just list, does not count, there are a lot blocked sometimes), and for how
long they are blocked.
I am trying jconsole, but the server its on a remote site, when I click on
the Thread tab, it freezes.
If there is another way, please tell me.

Thank you

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