More stuff.  I found a tutorial (one of the many) and
in that it was said that the prefork .so file is the
one to copy as to the directory containing
modules.  It also said to set the chmod permissions to
755.  After I added the loadmodule directive to
httpd.conf, I now get an error when starting Apache:

]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start
Starting httpd: Syntax error on line 191 of
Cannot load /etc/httpd/modules/ into server:
/etc/httpd/modules/ cannot open shared
object file: No such file or directory

What's odd at first is that the directory it's looking
(/etc/httpd/modules) is not where the file is and if I
spell out the entire path to, I still get
the same error message except that the path to file is
correct.  However, the file does exist! 


--- Scott Gravenhorst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Greetings from a new guy...
> I have Tomcat 5.5 running under FC3.  I would like
> to
> install and configure the mod_jk connector, but I'm
> finding the documentation somewhat unclear.
> I know tomcat is working because I can display the
> samples via port 8080.  The Apache web server is
> also
> installed and it is working on port 80.
> In the docs for the connector, it suggests that it
> is
> better to use the precompiled binaries instead of
> compiling them from source.  I have no problem with
> that and I found the binaries for my platform, they
> are:
> and 
> The docs talk about a "", which is not what
> I
> have (by name).  Perhaps I'm supposed to rename one
> of
> these files to ?  If so, which one and
> what
> happens to the other one?  The docs don't mention a
> pre-fork module (that I can see).
> Thanks for your help, 
> -- ScottG
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