
I am trying to set up an Apache 2.2.4 server with Tomcat 5.5.25 and JK
connector 1.2.26 on a Windows XP PC.  This is a test configuration for a
map server running both ESRI's ArcIMS and the open-source MapServer
(MS4W distribution, which is a prepackaged Apache 2.2.4, PHP 5, and some
other map-serving-specific open-source software).

Everything seems to work right, but the first time I access any
application via Tomcat, the CPU goes to 50% and stays there (tomcat5.exe
is the process).  I have a dual-cpu (dual cores, so 4 cores total) Dell
box running Windows XP Professional SP2.

I followed the install steps for JK connector and am using the minimal
(default) parameters in my mod_jk.conf file, and the simple application
I'm loading is the 'Hello World' example (under servlets-examples
distributed with Tomcat).

1) copy the file into apache/modules folder

2) create a mod_jk.conf file in tomcat/conf folder:

JkWorkersFile "C:\ms4w\Apache\conf\" 
JkLogFile "C:\Tomcat5525\logs\mod_jk.log" 

JkLogLevel all 

<VirtualHost * > 
ServerName dep-eia1pcgis1

JkMount /servlets-examples ajp13
JkMount /servlets-examples/* ajp13 


3) create a file in apache/conf folder (initially I
tried this with these parameters, but then for testing them commented
them all out, no difference):


#You should configure your environment\on NT and / on UNIX 
#and may be different elsewhere. 

#-------DEFAULT worker list------ 
#The worker that your plugins should create and work with 

#Defining a worker named ajp13 and of type ajp13 
#Note that the name and the type do not have to match. 


4) configure httpd.conf to use JK:

LoadModule jk_module modules/    (in the LoadModule section)

Include "c:/tomcat5525/conf/mod_jk.conf"  (down at the bottom)

5) restart Apache and Tomcat.  At first the CPU is at 0%, after the
first loading of "Hello World" it goes to 50% and stays there.

Michael Smith
Maine DEP/OIT 

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