lly Tomcat throws an error
or Geoserver throws an error, but in this case nothing happens except
for the 400 BAD REQUEST. Nothing in logs of Tomcat or Geoserver. I
have not yet tried changing the logging level.
Stephen Crawford
Center for Environmental Informatics
The Pennsylv
On 4/27/2017 2:27 PM, Mark Thomas wrote:
On 27/04/17 17:23, Stephen Crawford wrote:
Hello All,
We are running Tomcat 8.5.13 on Linux, mostly as a container for
Geoserver. We have a few apps (in Flash!) that have been running fine
untouched for at least six years but stopped working a few
is sent on through.
My question: can I configure Tomcat to return to the the previous
behavior of allowing this request? I cannot change the Flash apps
Stephen Crawford
Center for Environmental Informatics
The Penn