Hi, guys:

I was running a myfaces blank application, which runs perfectly well on
Tomcat 5.5.17, on my new tomcat 5.5.20 server and the log told me that I
need to add
However, I see that this listener has been defined in one of the tld files
and it should be loaded automatically.
So I tried to put a customized ServletContextListener in a tld file packed
in a jar file and it is not loaded either.

And tomcat 5.5.20 seams not to be compatible with eclipse wtp 1.5.1 well, I
would really like they could work things out.

So does Tomcat stops supporting this feature and I should be stick to tomcat
5.5.17, or there is some other problems? It really bothers a lot lately.

Thank you for your time. :)

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