Hello list.

Something strange is happening when I load a file to Geoserver by curl. I
observed in the tomcat manager that the process never leaves the state (s)
of service:

*Sent Time Stage B B Recv Client (Forwarded) Client (Current) VHost Request*
*S 1968673 ms 0 KB 59442 KB 172.xx.xx.xx 172.xx.xx.xx 172.xx.xx.xx
/geoserver/rest/workspaces/xxxx/coveragestores/yyyy/file.geotiff PUT HTTP /

The curl command is nailed to the command line:

$> Curl -v -u user: pass -XPUT -H 'Content-type: image / tiff'
--data-binary @ / mytif.tif http: // myip: myport / geoserver / rest /
workspaces / xxxx / coveragestores /yyyy/file.geotiff

* About to connect () to port 8080 (# 0)
* Trying ... Connected
* Server using basic with auth user 'admin'
> /geoserver/rest/workspaces/xxxx/coveragestores/yyyy/file.geotiff PUT HTTP
/ 1.1
> Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cHJveWVjdG9VREVHRTIwMTU =
> User-Agent: curl / 7.22.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl / 7.22.0 OpenSSL
/ zlib 1.0.1 / libidn / librtmp 1.23 / 2.3
> Host: myip: myport
> Accept: * / *
> Content-type: image / tiff
> Content-Length: 125009107
> Expect: 100-continue
<HTTP / 1.1 100 Continue

Versions software I'm using:
Apache Tomcat / 7.0.52 (Ubuntu)
2.7.2 Geoserver

Files up to 60MB me correctly, but when I get over that limit occurs as
described above.

I tried changing the boundaries of Tomcat as shown below but the problem

<Connector port = "8080" protocol = "HTTP / 1.1"
               connectionTimeout = "20000"
               URIEncoding = "UTF-8"
               redirectPort = "8443"
MaxPostSize = "400589953" />

And in the file /usr/share/tomcat7-admin/manager/WEB-INF/web.xml

      <! - 50MB max ->
      <Max-file-size> 400428800 </ max-file-size>
      <Max-request-size> 400428800 </ max-request-size>
      <File-size-threshold> 0 </ file-size-threshold>
    </ Multipart-config>

I think this must be a problem of Tomcat, but maybe the problem is

Thanks in advanced


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