First off, I am sure this is probably posted somewhere but not sure what to
search on.

I am new to the Tomcat world so bare with me.  I have a reverse proxy setup
in our DMZ running Tomcat 5 and Apache 2 and an Application internal that is
running on Tomcat 5.  I have a SSL cert from Go Daddy for 
OK, I want an INET user to type in and
have it be directed to our internal application which is on a server called
I do have it to where a user can type in http:/ and
it hits the reverse proxy and the RP redirects it internally fine.  I did
this by using some directionds that had me uncomment the mod_proxy lines and

# mod_proxy setup. 
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPass /Ef3 http://bcccrmecm:8080/Ef3
ProxyPassReverse /Ef3 http://bcccrmecm:8080/Ef3
ProxyPass /selfservice http://bcccrmecm:8080/selfservice
ProxyPassReverse /selfservice http://bcccrmecm:8080/selfservice
<Location "/Ef3">
    Order allow,deny
  Allow from all
<Location "/selfservice">
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

How do I setup the reverse proxy to redirect any traffic from to internal http://bcccrmecm/Ef3/....
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