
We would like to draw your attention to a new Wiki page that provides detailed information on the current support status for Apache Tomcat versions. It is:

The key points to note are:
- 8 years after the first Tomcat release and 4 years after the last release, Tomcat 3 has been formally placed in a "highly unlikely to see further development" state. It has been removed from the download links but all released versions remain, and will always remain, available from the archives. - It is intended that releases will be provided for 3 major versions at any one time. - Releases for Tomcat 4 will continue until at least June 2009. There are no firm plans for Tomcat 6.2.x or Tomcat 7.x so Tomcat 4 releases may extend beyond June 2009.

Best wishes,

The Apache Tomcat Team

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