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On 2/24/14, 10:59 AM, Leo Donahue wrote:
> In general, is it assumed that all responses given to the list
> assume the OP is running a version of Linux, if they don't state
> the OS?

In general, when I read a post where the OP does not state the OS, I
just assume it's a Windows user[1] because in my experience they don't
realize that there are other operating systems in the world[2].

> For example, I read the post about "Tomcat upgrades/security
> patching best practices" and the advice given is to modify init.d
> script.  I don't recall seeing the OP indicate they run Linux and
> the list usually gently bashes people for not being specific about
> their environment.

I think the tide these days in the Linux world is moving away from
init.d, anyway. systemd is the future, apparently. Just can't let a
working system keep on working.

> Since I run Tomcat on Windows, I don't know what the init.d script
> is, but reading that response I get the feeling the that Tomcat on
> Linux is "alot" easier to manage than Tomcat on Windows, especially
> if you are running Tomcat as a Windows service.

I find init.d scripts are a lot easier to understand: you can actually
read the code that gets executed instead of reading property sheets
and guessing what they do under the covers.

> I would have thought that another option to that post would be to
> use the "appBase" attribute of a Host element and just move your
> webapps out of the traditional location located within the Tomcat
> installation directory.  But I guess I didn't understand the OP.

It's possible your solution would have been better. Sometimes simpler
answers are better.

> Is it time for us to go to Linux?

As much as it pains me to say so, the answer is probably "no, you
should stick to Windows." Why? Well, if you've been administrating on
Windows for a while, then you are used to all its quirks, etc. and
switching would introduce risk into a situation that is currently less
risky than that. Remember that risk is bad when it can be avoided.

If you had never deployed anything on anything, I would generally
recommend learning at least /some/ kind of *NIX and using that. Linux
tends to be quite accessible to newcomers, so it's a pretty decent
starting point. Every *NIX fan has their favorites but they all come
from a similar lineage and philosophy and is decidedly different from
Microsoft Windows.

If you're looking for something new -- sure, try Linux. But do it in a
lab where you can figure everything out without having the pressure of
going into production and then having to figure out why none of your
stuff works and its because of something stupid that you just had no
clue about because in Windows there is no analog or it "Just Works" there.

I think *NIX admins get paid more, so if you learn it, you can
probably ask for a raise ;)

- -chris

[1] Unless they provide path names, which is usually a dead giveaway.
[2] Otherwise, they would have used one of them.
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