Hi All

I am currently using Struts 1.2.9 in combination with tomcat 5.0.28. I want to constructed my website so that its possible to import modules. Each module is a seperate package, meaning servlets are placed over multiple packages. The problem with this is that the web.xml cant contain servlet mappings because it doesnt know which modules are installed. To solve this I want to create one servlet that dynamically adds the servlets and their mappings during the startup of Tomcat.

I found a function addServletMapping in The servletContext class but the problem is there is no function to add a servlet. If I understand correctly you first need to install a servlet and then its mapping.

In short I need to move the servlet + servlet-mapping section from the web.xml into a single servlet that at startup adds the servlets to the list of known servlets.

Thanks in advance,
Martyn Hiemstra

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