
I've some ClassNotFoundException problem.

All the objects I want to serialize and deserialize implements Externazible/Serializable.

I'm running Tomcat 5 and JAVA5.

The .jar lib implementing serialization and deserialization of the application reside under server/lib (Catalina loader) and the application(SIP Servlets) are under webapps (WebappClassLoader).

1. I start my server and serialize the application and writes it to OutputStream in writeExternal(...)
2. I shutdown the server
3. I re-start the server and getting the stored serialized data. During deserialization I catch ClassNotFoundException since the object I'm trying to deserialize was known by WepappClassLoader during serialization. The Catalina loader hasn't any reference to the current class.

Is it possible to switch to (any WebappClassLoader) just before calling ObjectInput.readObject() and retrieve the right class using the correct classloader and thereafter go back to Catalina loader and continue with other operations.

How is this done in Tomcat Clusters and replication of Sessions? I found some info on the web and can't see any problem with my own implementation :-)


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