I've managed to narrow this problem down quite a bit, and long and short of it is that the problem is specific to 6.0.10.

I tried a number of versions in the 6.x branch including 6.0.0, 6.0.4, 6.0.8 and 6.0.9, and in all of them my webapp starts up just fine, no complaints about the Filter class, things work as expected.

In 6.0.10 however, I get the complaint about the Filter class not found. I even went and re-downloaded the 6.0.10 bundle (just the plain zip version, not the installer) and the problem was present immediately after unzipping and copying my webapp over.

Now, this of course may not be a bug... maybe there's simply something about 6.0.10 I don't know that I need to do, in fact I'm hoping and even expecting that to be the case, but it's certainly a possible bug too... can anyone think of anything that would tell us one way or another? Thanks!


Rashmi Rubdi wrote:
On 4/2/07, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey folks... I'm having a real pain of a problem here... vital stats:

JRE 1.6.0-b105 (JDK 6)
Tomcat 6.0.10

Since you have installed the JRE and not the JDK, I suppose you must
set the JRE_HOME environment variable, and remove the JAVA_HOME
environment variable.

On my installation of Tomcat 6.0.10 there is no
CATALINA_HOME/common/lib , but there's only a CATALINA_HOME/lib
folder which contains servlet-api.jar by default.

So I recommend using the default folder structure that came with
Tomcat 6.0.10 fresh install.

It should be fine if you have servlet-api.jar which contains the
javax.servlet.Filter class under

For completeness, environment variables I have:

...NO classpath defined...

I don't think there's any other relevant env vars.

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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM/Yahoo: fzammetti
Author of "Practical Ajax Projects With Java Technology"
 (2006, Apress, ISBN 1-59059-695-1)
Java Web Parts - http://javawebparts.sourceforge.net
 Supplying the wheel, so you don't have to reinvent it!

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