Hello All,
I have been a big fan of tomcat, been using it  since the 3.x days.
Tomcat has some cool technologies and adheres to many standards.
But I have found that the 5.5.x series has not really lived up to it's
Custom Realms that worked flawlessly in 5.0, seem to break in
5.5.  Even using the standard prepackaged Realms can be exercises in
when it comes to dealing with the classloaders (put LoginModule stuff
in server/lib and
but put jdbc driver in common/lib).
The age of defining a global datasouce in one place seems to be dead in 5.5.
Now in order for my JaasRealm (which uses a datasource)  to even see a
jdbc driver
I have to declare the datasouce in the context xml in each one of my webapps.
My most recent adventure.  Allowing our  marketing people to edit
their own html files from a static webapp seemed be a nice way of not
having to explain to them how to use cvs repositories and ant redploy
scripts. Turns out that you can's change the docroot and from what I
see so far, it doesn't  care about Realm based authentication either.
Like I said tomcat has a bunch of cool features. The problem (for me)
is  that making them work together  can be a real PITA. I saw
something is passing called jakarta Slide, not sure if that will
help or not but my hope of an easy integration into my webapps are dim.

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