I am having WindowsXP

I installed Apache Tomcat Servlet container as a service. It's user guide
says " For optimal security, the service should be run as a separate user,
with reduced permissions (see the Windows Services administration tool and
its documentation). "

So I went to Control Panel-->Administrative Tools-->Services and selected
and right clicked on Tomcat which was now installed to log on as a Local
System service and selected properties.

>From Properties-->Log On tab-->selected this account -->clicked the Browse
Button-->Select user Dialog Box-->Advanced-->clicked the find user
Button-->Selected Network service

And came back to the log on tab of properties and entered a password and
clicked OK button

Then restarted Tomcat. But when I entered http://localhost:8080 in IE it
keeps on waiting, the Tomcat home page never gets displayed. How can I run
Tomcat under the Network Service Account? How can I find out the privileges
allowed under the Network Service Account?

When I am logged on as a administrator or in any other account, Is it
possible to start a Service or another program which has rights granted
under another account?

I never created a Network Service or local service Account are they default

How can I create an account which has adequate privileges to use a
service with ensuring optimal security?

The above described procedure is from the "To configure how a service is
started" title which is  Under the Services node of the Microsoft management
Console which appears when the help menu for the Services Window is clicked.


 Regards Varuna

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