Good morning from rainy Vienna,

Configuration facts first:

Tomcat 7.0.11 (manually installed)
behind Apache HTTP 2.2 (current patch level)
on Debian 6 (current patch level)

I did search a solution on google but didn't find a solution.

- I do have an arbitrary webapp in tomcat ... let's say famous open source CI 
Server Jenkins
which runs under the context jenkins on port let's say 15080 (guess I've some 
instances running using Tomcat_Home/Base config)

- I want to run the tomcat behind apache httpd configured with mod_jk
  which works pretty fine for the URL http://<host>/jenkins

- but for security and ease of configuration reasons I want to map jenkins to
  as this /secure prefix will ensure (via Apache RewriteRules) to be accessible 
only via https

Is there a way to configure mod_jk via ajp1.3 to this required configuration?
Is it still necessary to configure an 8443 https connector in tomcat as Apache 
is already dealing with all the SSL Certificates?
Does ajp1.3 also communicat the https to tomcat?

sorry for the mass of questions, but didn't find detailed information about 

Thansk for your help!

kind regards
K:) Unger

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