Good Day.

Hope u can help me, have read about workers, uri and connector, And i have get 
to work it. But I have a problem.

2 Servers, Producttion and Development.
Developers deploy .war to developemnt, and when it's correct they move war from 
development to production.

1 Server, in DMZ zone, with the tomcat connector working.
DMZ Server, listen to 8080 petitions.

I have a line like follow:


It works nice.

Here comes the problem.

When ppl move .war to production server, I have to machines with the same 

And Only one Server to handle both.

The "ideal" world will be

But, all u know, but tomcat working, that the way is:

¿Any way to configure more than a redirection with the same URI patther to more 
than one tomcat ?

The options are configuring another Web Service in another port, but 
configuracion and help in connector didnt seems to explain how to do.

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