> From: Shailesh Nandwana [mailto:sn5...@yahoo.com] 
> Subject: A web application with multiple context name - optimal way?

> I assumed to use context path targeting to same docbase but doesnt 
> look the optimal way as may hamper the performance.

Mostly the impact is multiple deployments, which is probably not necessary in 
this case.

> (the urls may go beyond 80)

Beyond 80 what?  Number of columns?  Number of deployments?

> Even i dont want the multiple loading of the same class. My need is
> to identify the code (/fr etc) and do some processing for it.

> should i go with the apache proxy settings?? its the worst case.

Not necessary.

Deploy your webapp as ROOT, and implement a filter to do the country-specific 
processing and possibly modify the URL before the main servlets get control.  
The standard URL rewrite filter may be of some use:

 - Chuck

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