On 2/11/06, Tim Funk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The problem is your home page, not robots.txt. When / is requested - the
> following is served back, notice the javascript redirect: (the full file is
> below)
>function invokeWebApp() {
> top.location.href = "http://www.theuniquep
robots.txt is a standard file that search engines should request before trying
to index your site. Its allows you to block the indexer completely, or
partially from your site. Try a google search for "robots.txt" for more
Not having one is the same as saying "feel free to index my en
Hello Scott,
I have had similar problem. Can you let me know if this is resolved on your
end. Sometimes the email response coming back to me gets buried in another
folder and I never get to see the resolutions.
I can't seem to get search engines to see my site, as well. I do not know
how to resolve
The problem is your home page, not robots.txt. When / is requested - the
following is served back, notice the javascript redirect: (the full file is
function invokeWebApp() {
top.location.href = "http://www.theuniquepear.com/unique/index.jsp";;
Search engines do not e