
I don't know anything about this xtags taglib you seem to be using so
just take the following comments for what they are....

> org.apache.jasper.JasperException: No tag "xhtml" defined in tag
> associated with uri "urn:jsptagdir:/WEB-INF/tags"

I would say this means that we are missing a file called tags in the
WEB-INF directory of the webapp. The gile is supposed to define the tag

The reason we get this is the first line in the jspx file: 

> <tags:xhtml xmlns:tags="urn:jsptagdir:/WEB-INF/tags"


> I have tried downloading the xtags and adding them to the WEB_INF
folder in the 
> ROOT directory but this has not helped. Any assistance would be
> appreciated.

Your url to the app seem to suggest that the webapp is called viewscast.
You should add the file to <tomcatroot>/vieewscast/WEB-INF/ rather than
.../ROOT/WEB-INF/ . And then there seem to be a conflict between the
name of the taglib. The exception misses "tags" while you are
downloading "xtags". May be one of those silly things...

Hope this helped,
Fredrik Rubensson


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