Hi all,

I am having some difficulty in understanding the way
<TOMCAT_HOME>\common\lib\*.jar and <TOMCAT_HOME>\common\endorsed\*.jar are

I was having a specific problem where I was trying to add support for JSR
262 which inturn uses JAX-WS in the product I am working on. Before that it
made use of Axis for other purpose and AXis uses JAX-RPC.

The product was working fine before I added JSR262 support.
But when I copied all the jar files required for JSR-262 and JAX-WS to
web-inf\lib folder as a part of integrating the logic from the prototype to
product, the change did not work. Even thoguh the same code working out side
the container.

After a lot of investigation I figured out that it was the JAX-RPC.jar file
present in the endorsed fodler that was messing it up. So I removed that
file and JSR 262 stugg started working fine. But now my axis stuff was

This troubled me a lot but finally also found out the solution by putting
the jax-rpc.jar file in either the WEB-INF\lib folder or the
<TOMCAT_HOME>\common\lib fodler. This way both the AXIS and JSR 262 started
working but I can't udnerstand what made it work.

If anybody can help me understand this issue, it would be great.


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