I'm using TC 5.5 Embedded and have been trying to understand if / how it is 
possible to deploy a WAR file - by dropping the file in to the container as you 
do with standalone, producing the same auto-extract - auto reload behaviour. I 
cannot find help in the documentation for this. Using the standalone server.xml 
configuration as a reference:

<Host name="localhost" appBase="webapps"
       unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true"
       xmlValidation="false" xmlNamespaceAware="false">

should equate to:

host = embedded.createHost("localhost",getContainerPath()+"/webapps");

// However, this method or similar does not exist ..

Am I missing the point here .. do I have to provide my own auto-unpack / reload 
mechanism? In Tomcat 4 and previous we had:

Deployer deploy = (Deployer) host;

but that is no longer provided in TC5.5 ... so what is the preferred approach?? 
Where does the auto-deploy / auto extract come from in Standalone versions? 

.. Mark

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