David Delbecq wrote:
I experienced a strange behaviour of tomcat a few minutes ago. Container
is configured to do webapp auto reloading when classes changes. I
updated a few WEB-INF/classes/*.properties. Tomcat decided it's time to
reload the webapp because classes did change. However, it killed it's
own webapp loader Thread using a ThreadDeath. As a result, the webapp is
not accessible anymore. I suppose it's a bug from the webapp reloader,
but before submission to bug tracker, i'd appreciate comments.

The result of this problem is
1) webapp does not exist anymore (404 while trying to access it)
2) webapp is marqued in manager as not started, but trying to start it
result in an 'already started' error
3) you must either restart tomcat, either undeploy/redploy the webapp to
get it back working
I have also experienced behavior similar to what you describe. I have been able to categorize a few distinct variants. First of all, can you reliably re-create the variant you have just witnessed ?

For some reason that I don't understand the container chooses to use a logger instance that is loaded through the WebappClassLoader for its own purposes. Maybe this is mandated in specifications, maybe this is so that a web-app has some control internally over context related logging events the container generates. But in my own testing if the container sticks with its own logger instance (not loaded via WebappClassLoader) then it remain inert to (mis)configuration effects the web-app chooses to make.

I believe the variant you witnessed can be reduced into a simple situation where the web-application might reconfigure its logger instance (which it rightfully believes its own to do so) in such a way to cause problems to the container when it tries to use it later. This problem shows up in a future container logging event.

In your case I think org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper#loadServlet() made an innocent call to log.error().

Unfortunately this resulted in an exception being thrown. This does not have to be a ThreadDeath exception, it could be almost any Throwable, the root problem here is that TC expects its logger to never throw an exception no matter what and in some ways a best-effort logger should behave this way. One solution could be to wrap all foreign logger instance usage inside the container to catch and eat both Exceptions, Errors (aka Throwables). Or make sure the container's internal code never calls a foreign logger, i.e. keep the well configured on that the JVM or StandardClassLoader seems to have. Back to your situation.

Then unfortunately TC was executing inside internal code at the time.

Then unfortunately the Thread of execution for org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext#loadOnStartup() in version 5.5.16 and older was not adequately protected against exceptions occurring in the moment your stack trace show so the threads assigned class loader got hosed. So even if it could have recovered its remaining execution would have been with the wrong class loader.

Remy has committed a couple of patches a week or so ago, which would address some of these matters for this particular variant, maybe the background threads now survives to be invoked again, maybe the thread classloader assignment is protected.

For me this is a major problem during development, where an integrated IDE is modifying the file layout from under the container, this the situation I am continuously getting stung in, maybe in the future some guidelines and improvements could be made to allow more seamless development in this way (even with major performance loss or complexity to achieve) such a solution would result in even greater web-app development speeds and much less headache.

Darryl L. Miles

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