
The first Apache Tomcat Summit wrapped up a little over an hour ago.
I'll be posting some detailed notes to the Wiki shortly but I wanted to
get this message out as soon as possible.

In order to gather feedback from the user community with respect to
future direction, we plan to use Bugzilla's vote system. A number of new
issues have been created today to represent new topics discussed at the

Each Bugzilla user has 50 votes per Bugzilla project (Tomcat 6, 7 and 8
are separate projects) and can allocate up to 5 votes to an issue.
Please take the time to vote for the issues you want to see implemented.
The number of votes an issue has will be a significant factor in
determining the order issues get tackled in.

Please take the time to create a Bugzilla account [1], review the open
Tomcat issues and vote for the ones you would most like to see implemented.

Thanks in advance,



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