Hi, there: We are going to switch our web server from jetty to TomCat. We will run tomcat and jboss separately. I used tomcat 3.x long long times ago, and to use tomcat 3.x to lookup jboss jndi, a. copied jndi.properties to common\classes directory; b. run it with -nonaming option. However, we are going to use TomCat 5.x, I tried the same above steps, I got exception about UserDatabase like: 2005-12-01 15:14:15 UserDatabaseRealm[Catalina]: Exception looking up UserDatabase under key UserDatabase java.lang.NullPointerException........ Checked internet there are some options to get TomCat 5.0 talk to JBoss without changing any source code: a. someone suggest removing UserDatabaseRealm from server.xml before using -nonaming option; b. modified catalina.bat JAVA_OPTS=-Djava.naming.factory.initial=org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFact ory -........ I tried option b above, and it works fine for me. However, just wonder if any other options to set up jndi resource for my web application to talk to jboss without changing my source code? Any sample example about how to create such kind of jndi resource in <Context>? Thanks a lot in advance, highly appreciated any suggestion. David