

I am working on a webapp that was originally a war file. The war
extracted to abc context.


Some background:

The war file when deflated (automatically) created a
/abct/META-INF/context.xml  and inside had the abc context information.
I added reloadable=true like so there inside the META-INF directory.

<Context reloadable="true" path="/abc">


Also, it put a context here:


And inside I added the reloadable="true" here it is:

<Context reloadable="true" path="/abc" />


Now also, I am using JNDI, so I added my JNDI <Resource ... stuff under
web.xml and the context @ META-INF. But for whatever reason the JNDI
could not find the databaseURL definition.


So I added it to the $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost/abc.xml and
added the <Resource stuff there. Still no luck.


Going against my grain, I added the full context under conf/server.xml
and all is happy.

So my database problem was solved.


Anyway, now when I dump a new java class into the webapp, it does not
reload ... it does something to the webserver and basically I end up
with a 404 until I restart the webserver?


This is killing me. I gave you the history above, because maybe having
different context entries is screwing things up.


Could someone please give a hand?



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