Thanks Pid! I will try this.

On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 12:17 AM, Pid <> wrote:

> On 05/02/2013 02:25, Zippy Zeppoli wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I have a tomcat 7 cluster which I want to do rolling deployments.
> > I am using FarmDeployer. I am wondering, what is the default behavior of
> > FarmDeployer, does it undeploy and deploy the new app all at once?
> >
> > Is there any way to modify this behavior to do it serially?
> Try versioning your war files.
>  myapp##v1.0.0.war
>  myapp##v1.0.1.war
> This feature is called 'parallel deployment'.
> You can use JMX to monitor the activeCount of sessions of the older
> version and also to undeploy it when that number reaches zero.
> p
> > Thanks,
> > z
> >
> --
> [key:62590808]
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