is this the right place to ask about tomcat7-maven-plugin v2.2? i am trying to run mvn tomcat:deploy to /manager/text on a host which is proxy passed from behind httpd. several virtual hosts are deployed on the server. SNI works fine through the browser and using openssl s_client server-name.

however it doesn't seem to work from tomcat7-maven-plugin.  i get
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.tomcat.maven:tomcat7-maven-plugin:2.3-SNAPSHOT:redeploy (default-cli) on project example: Cannot invoke Tomcat manager: hostname in certificate didn't match: <> != <domain.tld> OR <domain.tld> OR <www.domain.tld> -> [Help 1]
i.e. it is reverting to the first host using ssl defined in httpd.conf

i looked at the dependencies and tomcat7-maven-plugin depends on common-tomcat-maven-plugin 2.2 which depends on httpclient 4.3.1. according to some stuff i read httpclient supports SNI on any version after 4.3.1. are there any updates in the works?

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