Configuring OpenEJB logging

2013-06-03 Thread Chris.Christo
Isn't there any way to configure the slf4j implementation slf4j-jdk14 that comes with TomEE/OpenEJB? All the documentation points to dropping in the log4j implementation jar into lib and then adding various to your properties. Chris

Re: Configuring OpenEJB logging

2013-06-03 Thread Romain Manni-Bucau
Hi, just use JUL configuration *Romain Manni-Bucau* *Twitter: @rmannibucau * *Blog: *** *LinkedIn: *** *Github:* 2013/6/3 Chr

Re: Configuring OpenEJB logging

2013-06-03 Thread Chris.Christo
Hi Romain, So how would I apply these logging properties using JUL? log4j.rootLogger = fatal,C log4j.category.OpenEJB = debug log4j.category.OpenEJB.options = debug log4j.category.OpenEJB.server = debug log4j.category.OpenEJB.startup = debug log4j.catego

Re: Configuring OpenEJB logging

2013-06-03 Thread Romain Manni-Bucau
here a sample for tomee for openejb and using openejb properties use logging.level.FOO instead of FOO.level. *Romain Manni-Bucau* *Twitter: @rmannibucau * *Blog: ***

Re: Configuring OpenEJB logging

2013-06-04 Thread Chris.Christo
Thanks Romain! I eventually settled on the following: java.util.logging.manager = java.util.logging.LogManager OpenEJB.level = INFO handlers = org.apache.openejb.log.FileHandler, java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler j