Form Processing problem on pages with Border - Wicket 1.4.1

2009-09-20 Thread Flavius
I am migrating a project from 1.3.6 to 1.4.1. I've run into a problem and I'm not sure if this is a bug or not. Most of the pages have a border and the border has a DropDownChoice in it (as well as other components). Technically it's in a panel in the border. The Form objects are typically chi

RE: Is it a bug that Enclosure is not invoking component resolver to resolve its children?

2009-09-20 Thread Chris Colman
> > >> as far as i rememember there is a collection registered in > setttings > > >> and then each component can also implement a resolver. > > >> > > >> the contract can be seen in markupcontainer#rendernext method > > >> 1) first walk over the component hierarchy and check if any are > > resolver

Re: Update parent component from child component

2009-09-20 Thread Jeremy Thomerson
Well, one piece is to use findParent(SecureWebPage.class) rather than three getParents or getPage() The question is why do you want to refresh the whole page via AJAX? Doesn't that sort of defeat the purpose. Nonetheless, please turn your application from deployment to development mode

Re: post a form to external website

2009-09-20 Thread Jeremy Thomerson
Yeah - that would be slick. -- Jeremy Thomerson On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 10:24 AM, Martin Grigorov wrote: > thinking about this now I think it would be very elegant to first do > Ajax submit and then in onSubmit() append a Javascript code to change > the form's act

Re: keep on getting non-bookmarkable URL with QueryStringUrlCodingStrategy...

2009-09-20 Thread Erik Brakkee
There is definitely something strange going on. It appears that whenever I use a parameter that has a '/' in it I get strange behavior. I do see the '/' being encoded properly but still these '/' characters are in the way. Typical behavior is to see an empty page with the default URL coding strateg

Re: defaultFormProcessing is no longer considered when processing multipart form in ajax request

2009-09-20 Thread Igor Vaynberg
the problem is that trunk did not have version numbers updated so it was building as 1.4 for a while. this has been fixed so latest snapshots should be properly built out of branch. -igor On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 10:50 PM, Vladimir K wrote: > > The latest 1.4 snapshot does not define IComponentBo

Re: keep on getting non-bookmarkable URL with QueryStringUrlCodingStrategy...

2009-09-20 Thread Martin Grigorov
El dom, 20-09-2009 a las 15:44 +0200, Erik Brakkee escribió: > Hi, > > I have mounted a specific page using QueryStringUrlCodingStrategy to a > specific URL. Nevertheless, when I use setResponsePage(MyPage.class, > pageParams), I keep on getting a URL that has a session-specific parameter > with n

Re: post a form to external website

2009-09-20 Thread Martin Grigorov
thinking about this now I think it would be very elegant to first do Ajax submit and then in onSubmit() append a Javascript code to change the form's action (and the method too if needed) attribute and submit it. El sáb, 19-09-2009 a las 20:55 -0500, Jeremy Thomerson escribió: > If you actually

keep on getting non-bookmarkable URL with QueryStringUrlCodingStrategy...

2009-09-20 Thread Erik Brakkee
Hi, I have mounted a specific page using QueryStringUrlCodingStrategy to a specific URL. Nevertheless, when I use setResponsePage(MyPage.class, pageParams), I keep on getting a URL that has a session-specific parameter with name 'x'. Is there anything I am doing wrong. I just have one parameter in

RE: Is it a bug that Enclosure is not invoking component resolver to resolve its children?

2009-09-20 Thread Chris Colman
> >> as far as i rememember there is a collection registered in setttings > >> and then each component can also implement a resolver. > >> > >> the contract can be seen in markupcontainer#rendernext method > >> 1) first walk over the component hierarchy and check if any are > resolvers > >> 2) walk

how to control visibility of Border's markup?

2009-09-20 Thread Vladimir Kovalyuk
I would like to control programmatically the visibility of the border itself, meaning that components within the border are always visible. I can create two different borders and switch between them but it looks too complicated.

Re: rpc question

2009-09-20 Thread Petr Kobalíček
Hi all, thanks for all responses. Currently I will solve my problem by rewritting original qooxdoo-rpc-java server to be usable also from wicket. I don't know if my solution is clear, but if I get feeling that it's not bad I will share my code with community. Regards - Petr 2009/9/20 Jeremy Thom