I'm having some trouble getting my unittests to work when I use Guice to get an 
instance of the HttpServletRequest object. The page works fine when running in 
jetty, but in the unittests I get these errors.

org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException: Can't instantiate page using 
constructor 'public 
 and argument ''. Might be it doesn't exist, may be it is not visible (public).

1) Error in custom provider, com.google.inject.OutOfScopeException: Cannot 
access scoped object. Either we are not currently inside an HTTP Servlet 
request, or you may have forgotten to apply 
com.google.inject.servlet.GuiceFilter as a servlet filter for this request.
  while locating javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

Caused by: com.google.inject.OutOfScopeException: Cannot access scoped object. 
Either we are not currently inside an HTTP Servlet request, or you may have 
forgotten to apply com.google.inject.servlet.GuiceFilter as a servlet filter 
for this request.

This is my page

public class HomePage extends WebPage {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    @Inject private HttpServletRequest request;

    public HomePage(final PageParameters parameters) {

        add(new Label("version", 

        // TODO Add your page's components here
        add(new Label("method", request.getMethod()));



How can I get around this issue or make use of a mock object to enable 

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