Have either of you solved this issue?
You need to add the model to the new DropDownChoice
public DropDownPanel(String id, final IModel model, IModel rowModel,
AbstractColumn column, final List data, final ChoiceRenderer renderer) {
super(id, column, rowModel);
, that then can interact
with wicket and can also populate a wicket form...
Not sure if either of these solutions are possible...
This has really got me stumped and has halted any work on my application. So
any help or direction would be much appreciated.
jsinger66 wrote:
> Hi
I am developing a Wicket application that needs to interface with a client
side java application. The client app is a biometric application that
captures fingerprint images. It is non-graphical.
What I need to do now, is show this fingerprint image within a wicket form
and capture other user