AW: AW: Ajax Send TextField Input to Server without Form / Submit

2009-10-19 Thread Peter Arnulf Lustig
hi pedro, your code does not function properly (or I'm to stupid to use it :)) -- What is TAG_TITLE ? A constant? Why? -- What does getCallbackURL do? -- What shall I put into onUpdate() Method (tagTitle textfield) many thanks in advance. - Ursprüngliche Mail Von: Pedro Santos An:

AW: AW: Ajax Send TextField Input to Server without Form / Submit

2009-10-19 Thread Peter Arnulf Lustig
thank you -- I will try your solution. your question: because I have already a form-tag in which I try to execute a seperated "business logic". And there is no form-nesting allowed... - Ursprüngliche Mail Von: Pedro Santos An: Gesendet: Montag, den 19. Oktobe

AW: AW: Ajax Send TextField Input to Server without Form / Submit

2009-10-19 Thread Peter Arnulf Lustig
I have to correct myself: I get the right Button. But the next question: how can I use the content of the textfield? final TextField tagTitle = (TextField) new TextField("tagTitle", Model.of("")).setOutputMarkupId(true); add(tagTitle); add(new Button("tagSubmit").add(new AjaxFor