Anybody with experiences in DojoDropDownChoice?
Furthermore I have read about the wickettools-extjs libs. Are there any
example out there how to use it?
Regrads, Kai
> Hello list,
> I am new to wicket and playing around with the DojoDropDownChoice from
> wicketstuff
Hello list,
I am new to wicket and playing around with the DojoDropDownChoice from
wicketstuff-dojo-1.3.0-beta. I want to use it similar to a "normal"
DropDownChoice component with ChoiceRenderer. But after selecting an entry
of the list and submiting the form the model is not updated correctly. T
Hello list,
I am new to wicket and playing around with the DojoDropDownChoice from
wicketstuff-dojo-1.3.0-beta. I want to use it similar to a "normal"
DropDownChoice component with ChoiceRenderer. But after selecting an entry
of the list and submiting the form the model is not updated correctly. T