On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 1:05 PM, Gerritjan Koekkoek
<gerritjankoekk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Op 14 jun. 2012, om 15:37 heeft Marius Dumitru Florea het volgende geschreven:
>> On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 4:02 PM, Gerritjan Koekkoek
>> <gerritjankoekk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Op 14 jun. 2012, om 13:58 heeft Marius Dumitru Florea het volgende 
>>> geschreven:
>>>> On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 8:02 PM, Gerritjan Koekkoek
>>>> <gerritjankoekk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I've created an app with app within minutes.
>>>>> A normal user gets the following error:
>>>>> Error
>>>>> You are not allowed to view this document or perform this action.
>>>> On which page and which action? URL? (you can strip the domain part).
>>> xwiki/bin/view/CdLSATEPrivat/WebHome
>>>>> What can cause this error, the space has the right rights set. (View, 
>>>>> Comment and Edit; no Delete or Admin)
>>>>> No document level security. Other documents in the space can be seen…
>>>>> The page CdLSATEPrivat/WebHome is generated by app within minutes, but I 
>>>>> have modified the documentsheetbinding
>>>>> The LiveTableViewSheet has been copied from app within minutes space into 
>>>>> CdLSATEPrivat space
>>>>> Is there any groovy scripts that can not be used by normal users?
>>>> If the Groovy script is in the sheet and the last sheet content author
>>>> has programming rights then a simple user shouldn't have any problem
>>>> viewing the page with that sheet applied. But, afaik, the message you
>>>> get is not related to programming rights.
>>>> If the document on which you get this message has a sheet you can try
>>>> to bind the document to itself, sheet='', and see if the message
>>>> remains.
>>> Still the same error:
>>> Content of page:
>>> {{velocity}}
>>> #set($originalMsg = $msg)
>>> #set($msg = 
>>> $services.dynamicMessageToolFactory.createDynamicMessageTool($msg, {
>>>  'cdlsateprivat.livetable.doc.date': 
>>> $msg.get('platform.appwithinminutes.liveTableEditorDocDateColumnName'),
>>>  'cdlsateprivat.livetable.doc.author': 
>>> $msg.get('platform.appwithinminutes.liveTableEditorDocAuthorColumnName'),
>>>  'cdlsateprivat.livetable._actions.edit': 
>>> $msg.get('platform.appwithinminutes.appLiveTableEditEntryActionName'),
>>>  'cdlsateprivat.livetable._actions.delete': 
>>> $msg.get('platform.appwithinminutes.appLiveTableDeleteEntryActionName'),
>>>  'cdlsateprivat.livetable._actions': 
>>> $msg.get('platform.appwithinminutes.liveTableEditorActionsColumnName')
>>> }))
>>> #set($columnsProperties = {
>>>  'squestioner': {'type': 'text', 'size': 10, 'filterable': true, 
>>> 'sortable': true, 'html': false},
>>>  'emailQuestioner': {'type': 'text', 'size': 10, 'filterable': true, 
>>> 'sortable': true, 'html': false},
>>>  'subject': {'type': 'text', 'link': 'view', 'size': 10, 'filterable': 
>>> true, 'sortable': true, 'html': false},
>>>  'cdlsPerson': {'type': 'text', 'size': 10, 'filterable': true, 'sortable': 
>>> true, 'html': false},
>>>  'status': {'type': 'list', 'size': 10, 'filterable': true, 'sortable': 
>>> true, 'html': false},
>>>  'doc.date': {'type': 'text', 'link': 'view', 'size': 10, 'filterable': 
>>> true, 'sortable': true},
>>>  'doc.author': {'type': 'text', 'link': 'author', 'size': 10, 'filterable': 
>>> true, 'sortable': true},
>>>  '_actions': {'html': true, 'sortable': false, 'actions': ['edit', 
>>> 'delete']}
>>> })
>>> #set($options = {
>>>  'className': 'CdLSATEPrivat.CdLSATEPrivatClass',
>>>  'resultPage' : 'CdLSATEPrivat.LiveTableGenerator',
>>>  'translationPrefix': 'cdlsateprivat.livetable.',
>>>  'tagCloud': true,
>>>  'rowCount': 15,
>>>  'maxPages': 10,
>>>  'selectedColumn': 'doc.author',
>>>  'defaultOrder': 'asc'
>>> })
>>> #set($columns = ['squestioner', 'emailQuestioner', 'subject', 'cdlsPerson', 
>>> 'status', 'doc.date', 'doc.author', '_actions'])
>>> #livetable('cdlsateprivat' $columns $columnsProperties $options)
>>> #set($msg = $originalMsg)
>>> {{/velocity}}
>>> It is having three objects:
>>> LiveTableClass 0: CdLSATEPrivat.CdLSATEPrivatClass
>>> DocumentSheetBinding 0: CdLSATEPrivat.LiveTableEditSheet
>>> XWikiRights 0: XWiki.User
>> Then it's clearly a rights setting issue. I'd double check the rights
>> set on the app home page, and app space (WebPreferences page). I don't
>> have other ideas.
> Hi Marius,
> Thanks, indeed it was a rights setting! It works now.
> But I have a different challenge now.

> THe rights are now that USERS can add a document (because they have EDIT 
> rights in the space)
> But if USER A will add a document USER B should not be able to CHANGE (is 
> also EDIT) the document. This is only allowed for the creator and users in 

AWM doesn't execute any code when a new application entry is created.
It just builds the URL for the Inline Form edit mode and then the
document is created when you click save as any other plain document
would be saved. So if you want to add some rights objects when a new
application entry is created you have to write a Groovy listener. See
for instance 

> I would like that the live table will show only EDIT ACTION Buttons for USERS 
> that have the right to do so; so only in rows that point to a document 
> created by them selves? (for moderators the current situation is OK (Edit 
> buttons in all rows)

AFAIK the edit icon is displayed only if the current user can edit the
document associated with that live table row. Are you saying that the
edit icon appears even if the current  user doesn't have the edit

Hope this helps,

> Does XWiki have a nice and easy configuration option for this? Or should i 
> modify the document creation script to add rights per document?
> If so, is there a snippet that will do so?
>> Hope this helps,
>> Marius
>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>> Marius
>>>>> Gerritjan
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