Hello guys, I want to tell u first that all of XWiki is awesome °¬° (and 
the developers too =D )

But, I need to know when you (you mean XWiki org) are going to liberate 
the XEnterprise 2.4M2, I need... really I need the Templates Pages =( 
this is the URL if u doest'n know what I mean 
in the sub-section "Easy Templates Creation and Administration (Starting 
with XWiki Enterprise 2.4M2)" ...

Maybe I'm wrong and this is a User-Application maybe not, but I want to 
know if this "templates" are going to be in the Milestone 2, if not, 
then tell me if that "Templates" are a User-Application (and if u can 
tell me how to make it please =( )

Also, I have a little problem with the Import of Documents in 
OpenOfficeServer, I tried to set up a OOffice in a Linux Server, but i 
cant to make it a service D=!!! I was looking for a tip of "How to make 
OpenOffice a Service in Linux" and what i found doesnt work =(. My 
server details are:

- SO: OpenSuse 10, Server
- XWiki: Enterprise 2.3
- OpenOffice: 3.2

If someone can help me please with this 2 Issues I'll be really happy. 
Thank you for your time!!!!

Adriana Escamilla Alvarado
Ing. Tecnologías Computacionales
Particular: (614) 260-0732
Móvil: (614) 219-7213
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