I will be out of the office starting 07/15/2011 and will not return until
Please contact Gopalkrishnan Shanmugam for SSO,Sakthivel Nagaraj
for WIRED ,Rajyalakshmi Srikantha BOT with Kailash Radhakrishnan being the
escalation contact.
Please contact Krishnan Gopalrao for TSF
I will be out of the office starting 05/20/2011 and will not return until
Please contact Gopalkrishnan Shanmugam for SSO,Sakthivel Nagaraj
for WIRED ,Rajyalakshmi Srikantha BOT.
Manikandakumar Sundaram is Escalation contact .
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Modifying inlinecomments.vm to have an approve link in similar way to
I'm getting stuck in the second point being not sure what would be the URL
to update that property .
Thanks in advance
Anjankumar Panda
E-mail Disclaimer: http://www.csscorp.com/co