---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pascal BASTIEN <pbasnews-xw...@yahoo.fr>
Date: 2014-09-18 10:17 GMT+02:00
Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] need advice about an extension developpment
To: Michael Bußler <michael.buss...@googlemail.com>

heu it's my fault I didn't precised xwiki version (6.1) and skin
(flamingo)I used. :-/

 *De :* Michael Bußler <michael.buss...@googlemail.com>
*À :* Pascal BASTIEN <pbasnews-xw...@yahoo.fr>
*Envoyé le :* Jeudi 18 septembre 2014 10h08

*Objet :* Re: [xwiki-users] need advice about an extension developpment

Yes you're right, it wasn't clear to me which version of XWiki you are
I'm using the latest stable, consider it working in there. ;)

Best, Michael

2014-09-18 10:02 GMT+02:00 Pascal BASTIEN <pbasnews-xw...@yahoo.fr>:

Thanks you but this code doesn't work with flamingo skin because this issue:
class collapsed have no effetc with flamingo (tested with firebug)

 *De :* Michael Bußler <michael.buss...@googlemail.com>
*À :* Pascal BASTIEN <pbasnews-xw...@yahoo.fr>; XWiki Users <users@xwiki.org>

*Envoyé le :* Mercredi 17 septembre 2014 22h54

*Objet :* Re: [xwiki-users] need advice about an extension developpment

Hi Pascal,

I've had the same issue. Here is how I solved it with JS:

function collapse( panel ){

function collapsePanels() {
  $$('.PanelIndex').each( collapse );
  $$('.PanelAbkuerzungenLink').each( collapse );
  $$('.PanelDifferentialDiagnosen').each( collapse );
  $$('.PanelEintraege').each( collapse );

Just insert the ids of the panels you wank to be collapsed during page
You would need to add this to a page as XWiki.JavaScriptExtension object,
and make sure it is loaded for instance in the sheet.
BTW, I would really like to see a version of this using a session cookie. :)

Best regards,

(XWiki && XWiki.domIsLoaded && collapsePanels()) ||
document.observe("xwiki:dom:loaded", collapsePanels);

2014-09-17 21:40 GMT+02:00 Pascal BASTIEN <pbasnews-xw...@yahoo.fr>:

Thxs you (again :-) )
You have just confirmed what I was afraid of, I mean js + cookie.
I will probably look into this collapsed menu , this week. but, I am not
sure if this replies to your issue...
If you like, I will show you the result... if I manage :-/

 De : Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) <vali...@gmail.com>
À : Pascal BASTIEN <pbasnews-xw...@yahoo.fr>; XWiki Users <users@xwiki.org>
Envoyé le : Mercredi 17 septembre 2014 19h01
Objet : Re: [xwiki-users] need advice about an extension developpment

Hi Pascal,

If you look at
the CSS code for making this work is using the :focus pseudo-class, which
is triggered when the link is selected using the mouse pointer or keyboard.
It's normal that if you navigate the focus of that element to be lost.

If you want something persistent you must implement it with JS and cookies.
CSS is not the tool to achieve these things.

On this topic there is also this issue
http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-10498 but this is not a priority and not
sure when/who will try to fix it (maybe even you :) )


On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 4:48 PM, Pascal BASTIEN <pbasnews-xw...@yahoo.fr>

>I try to writing an extension to add the right panel collapsible (with CSS
only). Something like this:
>http://www.cssportal.com/css3-preview/demo/css-menu-ex4.html (hide and
seek panel)
>explained here
>I inserted code in rightpanels.vm and CSS but the limitation is when I
navigate on another xwiki page/space the right panel is reset. My right
panel is  not persistent.
>Do you have an advice to make my right panel persistent:
>- if user show panel and change current page, right panel  must be still
>- if user hide panel and change current page right panel must be  still
>javascript (and cookie) are mandatory in my case?
>Do you have an elegant tip: an secret xwiki API ?
>Pascal B
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