
I'm looking for best practises to develop a parent two child relationship in 

I have the following class model

Association having one or more XWiki.Users with one-role per association
Association having one or more regions

XWiki.Users can be associated to one or more associations in one role per 

Principles (off course I can deviate from it when really smart to do);
Would like to use as much as possible out-of-the-box functionality of XWiki 2.7 
or higher
Would like to use LiveTable for grid-display of childs
Would like to use generated forms for editing
Lookup lists based on class-object

My main form would be a form based on association where you can navigate using 
first, previous, next and last
having a livetable with Roles/XWiki.User and a second livetable showing regions
Next to each livetable there should be Add,Modify and Delete function for child 
records (Roles and Regions)

Who knows/have examples with look-alike requirements?


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