Hi all,

I've been trying the 0.9.0-preview1 build on minikube with the spark
interpreter. It's working, but I'm unable to work with any dependencies
that I've added to the spark interpreter.

(Note: I had to add `SPARK_SUBMIT_OPTIONS=--conf spark.jars.ivy=/tmp/.ivy`
and `SPARK_USER=root` to the default interpreter options.)

I'm trying to connect spark to Cassandra, and I've added the following
dependency to the spark interpreter: `

In the `zeppelin-server` pod logs, I see this:

 INFO [2020-05-13 02:52:15,840] ({Thread-18}
InterpreterSetting.java[run]:953) - Start to download dependencies for
interpreter: spark
 INFO [2020-05-13 02:52:21,565] ({Thread-18}
InterpreterSetting.java[run]:966) - Finish downloading dependencies for
interpreter: spark
 INFO [2020-05-13 02:52:21,565] ({Thread-18}
InterpreterSetting.java[setStatus]:740) - Set interpreter spark status to

However, when a run a cell, I don't see any note of dependencies being
downloaded to the actual spark pod, and I get this error:

<console>:23: error: object datastax is not a member of package com import

Are dependency downloads supported with zeppelin and spark over kubernetes?
Or am I required to add the dependency jars directly to my spark docker
image and add them to the classpath?


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