Thanks for the valuable feedback!
Importing notes doesn't work in chrome. It displays the file rather than
> uploading it. It works in firefox and Safari, though Safari is otherwise
> unusable.
I tried import notes from chrome (on MacOS) and it works for me. Is your
chrome runs on other OS?
I tried to import note from 0.7.3 to 0.9.0-preview.
Using "import note" dialog on UI, I could import default tutorial notes
without problem.
(However, when I copied /notebook directory of 0.7.3 to 0.9.0-preview, I
couldn't import them correctly.
\cc Jeff, could you confirm this as well?)
Sounds good to me as well.
BTW, don't we have to change some web socket code as well? <- It's just an
I would like to see PoC for it and I'm willing to help to improve it
because my company needs it too.
2020년 8월 1일 (토) 오전 12:05, Jeff Zhang 님이 작성:
> Good idea, Moon, I think cli would be a