Hi All,

Is there any option to set horizontal scrollbar for the output paragraph in

If the output has more number of columns(exceeding the width of the
paragraph), then it return the output in multiple rows(like below) which
makes very hard to read and understand the output. It would be nice if
there is horizontal scrollbar option so that output spans horizontally and
not fit within the width of output paragraph.

Sample Output:
|col1 |col2 |col3 |col4 |col5 |col6 |col7 |col8 |col9 |col10 |col11 |col12
|col13 |col14 |col15 |col16 |col17 |col18 |col19 |col20 |col21 |col22 |col23
|col24 |col25 |col26 |col27 |col28 |col29 |col30 |col31 |col32 |col33 |col34
| count| 888888888| 888888888| 888888888| 333333333| 444444| 444444|
272473792| 888888888| 888888888| 100000| 100000| 96790977| 245444508|
888888888| 222268091| 127265613| 93642917| 888888888| 888888888| 888888888|
888888888| 888888888| 888888888| 888888888| 888888888| 6666| 344406| 111|
251916108| 2565535| 10976527| 9999999| 22222222|

Thanks & Regards
*Vivek Narayanasetty*

*Go Green: Think before you print this e-mail or its attachment. You can
save paper if you do not really need to print.*

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