Re:Re: Re:回复: Re: CS4.2.1下系统虚拟机起不来,重复创建!!!!

2014-09-22 Thread 严思恒
感谢各位,问题解决了!! 在 2014-09-19 03:01:20,"ma y" 写道: >2014-09-17 15:08:31,893 WARN [xen.resource.XenServerStorageProcessor] >(DirectAgent-20:null) Catch Exception > >for template + due to can >not cr

在ubuntu 12.04上安装cloudstack 4.4,发生503的错误

2014-09-22 Thread Xianxia Xiao
大家好! 我在ubuntu 12.04上按官方的教程安装cloudstack4.4,安装完成后,在浏览器里输入地址时,提示503. HTTP Status 503 - This application is not currently availabletype Status report message This application is not currently available description The requested service (This application is not currently available) is not currentl


2014-09-22 Thread 张仕博
Vmware环境中两台主机A和B,router在主机B上,新建虚拟机如果在主机B上,则可以 dhcp获取ip地址,但是如果新建虚拟机分到了主机A上,则分不到ip地址,使用的网络 是分布式交换机网络,虚拟机A和B都与router在同一个网络内。 经测试,网络连通性应该没有问题,已通过其他虚拟机测试过与router、与主机的连通 性, 哪位高手给支个招如何排查? --- Confidentiality N


2014-09-22 Thread
官方文档对快照版本和发布版本是这样介绍的 Versioning / Releases Update the version number of the project mvn release:update-versions -DautoVersionSubmodules=true -Dnoredist -Pdeps,developer -DdevelopmentVersion=-SNAPSHOT Releases can also be done using the release plugin. This plugin will automagically take care of