limit setting firewall rules

2014-01-03 文章 Hollman Eduardo Enciso Rocha
Hello. I'm doing some tests creatin some accounts, users, domains and projects, and I could not limit to only domain administrators or project administrator to configure firewall rules. I created accounts with User role but this account can configure firewall rules in the network tab. It can

Where can I Download the CloudStack 4.2.1 ?

2013-12-11 文章 Hollman Eduardo Enciso Rocha
Hello. Where can i download the CloudStack 4.2.1 ? on the oficial download site just have the 4.2.0 thanks [EN LA NUBE]Hollman Eduardo Enciso R. Ingeniero Infraestructura Virtual S.A.S PBX: (571) 7441414 Móvil: (317) 6379772 Autopista Medellín Km