???????? ??????????????IP????????????????????

2014-12-10 文章 xool
?? cloudstack?? 1.??KVM HOST??KVM GUESTCS?? 2.KVM??CS 4.4 ??,?? 3.KVM??agent1 ??agnet2?? 4.Centos 6.5

?????? ???????? ??????????????IP????????????????????

2014-12-10 文章 xool
?? -- -- ??: Wei ZHOU;ustcweiz...@gmail.com; : 2014??12??10??(??) 5:44 ??: users-cnusers-cn@cloudstack.apache.org; : Re: ??IP ??99%?? vlan ?? 2014??12??10?? 10:36??xool 170451...@qq.com

Unable to create a deployment for VM

2014-11-06 文章 xool
1.??UI?? Job failed due to exception Unable to create a deployment for VM[User|i-2-7-VM] 2.??UI?? Unable to create a deployment for VM[User|i-2-19-VM], Please check the affinity groups provided, there may not