Join us at ApacheCon US 2009 in Oakland, California. You can still
register today, or attend the MeetUps free of charge.

If you can't make it to Oakland, don't miss the FREE live video
streams. On Wednesday, the Apache Hadoop track will be streamed live.
On Thursday, it's httpd.conf, the track for Apache HTTPD administrators
and users. And on Friday, check out the Apache Lucene track. You'll
also be able to watch the Apache Pioneer's Panel, and keynote
presentations by Kirrily Robert and Brian Behlendorf.

Session Schedule (all times are in UTC)

Wednesday, 04 November 2009: Hadoop Track

 17:00 Opening Plenary & State of the Feather
       William A. Rowe, Jr. & Jim Jagielski

 17:30 Apache Pioneer's Panel
       Moderated by Brian Behlendorf

 19:00 Introduction to Apache Hadoop
       Owen O'Malley

 19:30 2009 State of the Elephant
       Christophe Bisciglia

 21:30 Becoming a Pig Developer
       Alan Gates

 22:30 Apache Hadoop in the Cloud
       Tom White

 00:00 Practical HBase
       Michael Stack

 01:00 Apache Hive: SQL and Data warehousing on Apache Hadoop
       Ashish Thusoo

 Thursday, 05 November 2009: HTTP Track

 17:00 Munging URLs with mod_rewrite
       Rich Bowen
 18:00 Hardening Enterprise Apache Installations Against Attacks
       Sander Temme

 19:30 Keynote: Standing Out in the Crowd
       Kirrily Robert

 22:00 Scalable Internet Architectures
       Theo Schlossnagle

 00:30 Recent Developments in SSL and Browsers
       Rick Andrews

 01:30 Lightning Talks!

Friday, 06 November 2009: Lucene Track

 17:00 Implementing an Information Retrieval Framework for an 
       Organizational Repository, Sithu D Sudarsan

 18:00 Apache Mahout - Going from raw data to information
       Isabel Drost

 19:15 MIME Magic with Apache Tika
       Jukka Zitting

 20:15 Keynote: How Open Source Developers Can (Still!) Save The World
       Brian Behlendorf

 22:00 Building Intelligent Search Applications with the Lucene
       Ecosystem, Ted Dunning

 23:00 Realtime Search
       Jason Rutherglen

Use to convert UTC to your local time zone.

Best regards
Lars Eilebrecht - ApacheCon US 2009 Team -

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